Tools to Prepare Your Child for American Universities and Higher Education

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American Universities are considered some of the best places in the world for higher education. Top institutions such as Stanford, UCLA, Harvard, and UPenn are often extremely competitive for international students looking to further their education in the United States. 

It’s never too early to start preparing your children and taking steps in their education to better equip them for applying and attending college abroad. As an American academy in India, we specialize in prepping students aged 6-12 for higher education after schooling. Here are our biggest tips for parents looking to do the same for their children: 

  1. Ensure Early Education Aligns With Future Goals

Competition is tough when it comes to international students and American universities. If you know the long-term goal of your children’s future includes sending them abroad to study, it’s essential to get them started with American curriculums and education processes as soon as possible. Some international schools, such as Corvuss American Academy, offer advantages such as classrooms that focus on American curriculums that allow students to graduate with a U.S. high school diploma. 

In addition to education, it’s vital for children to begin partaking in extracurricular activities that will allow their application to stick out among other applicants. One of the many goals for international students is to play sports in American colleges. Combining a U.S. prep school with a sports academy is the best way to ensure your children have the highest chance possible for a future abroad. 

  1. Make Your Expectations Clear

 This is the first time your child will be living independently, even if you are providing financial support. They may not have a curfew, and no one will be looking over their shoulder to be sure they make the right choices. Before they leave their US prep school, have a conversation about what you expect from them while they are at college. This should include financial expectations and what grades you expect to see, and how often you expect them to communicate with you. For example, make it clear that you expect not only passing grades but above passing. Provide them with a consequence should they not meet your grade expectations. 

If you expect a phone call home each week, be sure to make that clear before they leave. You may just ask them to text you throughout the week so that you know they are okay. But it is essential to explain these expectations before heading to an American academy, college, or university.

  1. Make a List of Potential Schools

There are hundreds of colleges and universities across the United States. Many students aim to apply for only the biggest and most prestigious schools in the country, but it’s always a good idea to have a clear vision of what school would best benefit your child’s needs, including

  • Athletic programs 
  • Educational programs 

For example, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Stanford are known as two of the best schools in the United States for engineering, while the University of California and the University of Colorado are two of the best school for veterinary studies. 

It’s also good to have an idea of where your child would like to study so you can easily manage their education requirements in order to be accepted. This can set a clear path of study for your child at an American academy in order to meet their goals after graduation. 

  1. Study Strategies are Critical

 Even while attending the best boarding school in India, your student can begin using tried and true study strategies. Many students find it difficult to study when there is too much noise, and this is often a problem in a dorm, especially in a room with multiple roommates. 

 At home, create a quiet place for your child to study and encourage them to follow similar study patterns throughout their education, whether at the library, a quiet room at the dorm, or even in their room if it is suitable. Again, be sure they understand that there is no shame in asking for help if they are struggling. American curriculums can be challenging, a different from most study programs in India, but it will be a major advantage once studying abroad. 

  1. Be Open & Honest With Your Child 

There are so many great things about studying at a U.S. prep school or applying to American universities, but it can also be quite daunting for both the parent and the child. It’s important to have conversations with your child about many aspects of their education, including: 

  1. Academics + sports: The pressure of academics and sports can feel overwhelming for children. Use positive reinforcement to let them know how proud you are of their hard work and remind them it will pay off in the future. 
  2. Expectations: Although they might have one specific university or college in mind, encourage them to apply for multiple places as backups. Not everyone gets into their dream school, and that’s okay. There are plenty of other wonderful places in the United States to attend school. 
  3. Communication: There are few schools in India that offer American curriculums and give students a unique advantage when applying to colleges abroad. It may seem confusing to your child while starting this early is beneficial, but open communication, especially when away at boarding school, is essential. 

Corvus American Academy: US Prep School for Children

As parents, we all want the best for our children and the opportunity to achieve their dreams.  

At the best boarding school in India,  we also want your child to succeed. We are an international American Academy, offering an American curriculum and preparing students for advanced education and sports at American universities. Contact us today to see how we can help your child succeed in the classroom and on the field.