Exercises to Improve Vertical Jump for Basketball Games

Basketball is a popular game around the world where the aim is to score points by getting the ball in the hoop. Sounds pretty straightforward as a game but as a player, having a strong vertical jump and a flash-like power and agility isn’t just an option but indeed a requirement!

It’s often also believed that basketball is a sport made for people who have the gift of height. But what does one mean by “height” in basketball? Is it the height of the individual from the feet to the top of the head? Or is it the height from the feet to the length of the arms above one’s head?

The Power of Vertical Jumps in Basketball

Basketball measures the performance height not just based on the height that you can obtain at the top end of your jump (vertical height) but also takes into consideration how quickly did you get there (power of the jump).

Research shows that Olympic lifters actually have higher standing vertical jumps than collegiate basketball players, but when movement is added basketball players significantly outperform weight lifters in achieving a vertical height.

This happens because a standing vertical jump directly from the ground up is a strength move, and most Olympic weightlifters are much stronger than basketball players when it comes to the strength of their hips and legs.

But on the contrary, when speed is added to the equation, power comes into play (power = speed + strength), and properly trained basketball players have outstanding power.

At Corvuss American Academy, we believe that proper training from our biomechanically trained coaching and strength & conditioning staff, along with the right amount of dedication from the athlete is the best way to tackle all the obstacles that stand between one’s physical height and the hoop.

Think about it, if I am 175cm in height with a 122 cm vertical power jump, then I will actually have an advantage over an individual with a height of 183 cm, and a vertical power jump of 107 cm. And as vertical power is a measure of speed + strength, it stands to reason that I will not only rebound a ball coming off the basketball rim at a higher height, but even if we both take off from the floor at the same time, I will arrive at the ball faster.

This ultimately proves that a vertical jump needs to be mastered if one has to master this game, and at Corvuss American Academy we make sure that you do that!

Proven Exercises to Help you Achieve Higher Jumps for your Next Basketball Game

1. Jump Squats

The jump squat is the first exercise that pops in mind whenever one thinks about a vertical jump with explosive power. This exercise activates the fast-twitch fibers of your lower body which is great when your goal is to jump higher. Additionally, it strengthens your calves which is again essential when it comes to this sport.

2. Jumping ropes

Jumping ropes is a really simple yet effective exercise for bettering your vertical jumps. You will not be jumping anywhere near your maximum vertical height during this exercise, but the constant jumping will improve your endurance for the game. Jumping rope for at least 10 minutes during your workouts will definitely contribute to an improved vertical jump.

3. Tuck Knee Jumps

This exercise is brilliant for improving your cardio fitness and for your lower body and core. The tuck knee jumps demand lower body control to bring the knees up, touch the chest and return before you land. Doing this will improve your coordination, fast-twitch fiber control, and overall leg strength for a better vertical jump!

4. Lateral Box Jump

Box jumps are very much in trend nowadays and are something gym-goers love to practice. But for all the basketball players, we have added a twist of lateral fashion to this exercise. Lateral box jumps are great to strengthen your hip flexors which will benefit you for a more coordinated vertical jump.

Bonus Tip: Make sure you vary the height of the boxes during the workout, challenging yourself to increase the height.

5. Uphill Sprints

Last but not the least comes the classic exercise that athletes use for almost every sport. Uphill sprints dramatically improve your endurance levels, but more importantly for performance, they skyrocket your explosive power and lower body strength – the requirement for a better vertical jump in a basketball game.

Basketball facilities at Corvuss American Academy:

  • Indoor basketball courts
  • Latest equipment to conduct drills and training
  • High-speed video recording equipment to improve performance
  • Coaching studios for review sessions

Corvuss American Academy is a premier high school and international basketball academy in Mumbai, Maharashtra.

We offer an in-house basketball training program that professional basketball player Ollie Bailey heads. He has had a very successful career and has played for over 10 years, winning three championships and has been named the league’s scoring champion.

If you are looking for a perfect blend of an international academic curriculum and a globally recognized sports training program, then Corvuss American Academy should be your choice! Contact us today on +91-8329517630.